Sate Pestage (1)
Basic info
First appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Relations: Imperial Advisor
Events: Evacuation of Ciutric
Sate Pestage was a longtime human male advisor and right-hand man to Palpatine, and one of the few people who truly knew him. Serving Palpatine from his days as a senator on Naboo to his ascension to Emperor, Pestage rose alongside him, becoming an advisor to Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor, and then Grand Vizier of the Galactic Empire.
During the time of the Galactic Republic, Pestage did much of Palpatine's covert work, from espionage to murder. As Grand Vizier, he controlled the day-to-day operations of the Empire by the time of the Battle of Hoth. He also served as Palpatine's assistant, managing his schedule, screening his calls, and overseeing his personal affairs.
After Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor, and as the highest surviving member of the Imperial Court, Pestage assumed control of Coruscant and the Empire as the Interim-Emperor. However, the other Imperial Advisors turned on him, as did members of the military and Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard. To save his life, Pestage made a deal with the New Republic to turn over Coruscant in exchange for immunity and planetary holdings. Isard closed on him, though, and Pestage was executed by Admiral Delak Krennel. However, the vizier was also said to have gone to Byss and died there; it was believed that one of these two Pestages was a clone.


See also
Complete list
0803 : Unit : Sate Pestage
SWTCG : Cards
0803 : Unit : Sate Pestage
Imperial Advisor

Last updated: 23.02.2022 12:30:11